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Violet Glare 2 Miniature
Fnac - Nakheel Mall - Riyadh : Available
Al Imam Saud Ibn Abdul Aziz Branch Road, Al Mughrizat
Riyadh 12483
Saudi Arabia
The beginning of Razi's story with Maryam attracted me, and I continued to read the chapters of the novel to find an answer to the questions created by Maryam's strange actions with Razi, but the emergence of Maryam's feelings for Razi was not logical in my opinion; because, my reader, she fell in love with Razi quickly and then "mother of Eid" roamed his life when she left .
If Osama had just one part for the violet glow and made this novel about Razi and Maryam only with more details about them, I would have liked it more; because firstly, I felt that their story needed more details, and secondly, I did not see a connection between them and Haya's story, which appeared in the last chapters, she conquered her gray hair and still visits the worlds of fantasy books, so there was little development in her real life from the end of the first part, but the violet flower and its pivotal role in the world of magic books disappeared with this part.
Regarding the ending, in my opinion, it was illogical and there is a gap between it and what happened before, so considering that the main characters here are Maryam and Razi, I liked Osama's discussion of the principle of happiness, and also the fact that I am trying to balance in my life between my break in comfort zones and then getting out of them to go through the exhausting questions of life made me like Razi's character, but I can't tell you, reader, that it is a sequel to the first part or a novel that is read without the need to read the first part.
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