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Penguin US The Richest Man In Babylon Business Books
Penguin US is a well-known publisher of business books, and one of their popular titles is "The Richest Men In Babylon." This book, written by George S. Clason, has been a classic in the world of personal finance and wealth management. It provides valuable lessons on how to achieve financial success through simple yet effective principles. With its timeless advice on saving, investing, and building wealth, "The Richest Men In Babylon" remains a must-read for anyone interested in improving their financial situation.
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Product Characteristics
Title: The Richest Men In Babylon; Subtitle for Edition: Business Books; Publisher: Penguin US; Author(s): George S. Clason; Publication Year: 1926 (original), ongoing reprints and editions; ISBN 10: 0451205367; Genre: Personal finance, self help, business; Length: Approximately 144 pages.
About Books
Penguin US is a popular publisher that offers a diverse range of books, including The Richest Men In Babylon. This book, written by George S. Clason, is a classic in the genre of business and finance. It provides timeless lessons on how to build and manage wealth, using stories and parables set in ancient Babylon. Whether you're a business professional for simply interested in personal finance, this book is a valuable resource for anyone looking to improve their financial well-being.