Breath: The New Science Of A Lost Art Popular Science Books

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Breath: The New Science Of A Lost Art Popular Science Books

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"Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art" is a fascinating and eye-opening book that explores the importance of proper breathing for our overall health and well-being. Written by journalist James Nestor, this popular science book takes readers on a journey through time and different cultures to uncover the secrets of optimal breathing. It highlights the detrimental effects of shallow and dysfunctional breathing patterns and offers practical tips and techniques to relearn the lost art of breathing for enhanced physical and mental health.

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Product Characteristics

Title: Penguin US Breath: The New Science Of A Lost Art; Publisher: Penguin Books; Author: James Nestor; Genre: Popular Science; Number of Pages: Approximately 300 pages; Publication Date: May 26, 2020; ISBN: 978 0735213616; Language: English.

About Books

Breath: The New Science Of A Lost Art is a popular science book published by Penguin US. Written by James Nestor, this book explores the importance of breath and its impact on our overall health and well-being. Nestor delves into the traditional and scientific aspects of breathwork, highlighting ancient practices and modern research that support the idea that proper breathing can improve various aspects of our lives, from physical performance to mental clarity. With engaging storytelling and insightful research, Breath is a must-read for anyone looking to optimize their breathing and enhance their life.

Model Breath The New Science Of A Lost Art
Dimensions 7.72 x 0.94 x 5.04 inches
Condition New, Unused
Features It has a subject, focus, setting, and perspective.
Language English
Brand Penguin US
Product Name Popular Science Books


Breath: The New Science Of A Lost Art is an insightful and engaging popular science book published by Penguin US. In this book, the author explores the ancient wisdom of breath, shedding light on its incredible power and potential. He delves into various breathing techniques and practices, explaining how they can improve our overall health, enhance athletic performance, and even help with mental and emotional well-being. With its blend of science, storytelling, and practical tips, Breath offers a fascinating journey into the world of our most essential yet often overlooked bodily function.


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