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Penguin UK The Island of Missing Trees Young Adult Books
The Island of Missing Trees is a captivating young adult book published by Penguin UK. Set in Cyprus during the 1970s, it explores the intertwined stories of two teenagers - Adonis and Aphrodite - against the backdrop of the island's political turmoil. With lyrical prose and a touch of magical realism, the book delves into themes of love, loss, identity, and the power of storytelling. This intriguing novel is a must-read for young adult readers who enjoy historical fiction with a hint of mystique.
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Product Characteristics
Title: The Island of Missing Trees; Author: Penguin UK; Genre: Young Adult Book; Publication Year:; Format: Paperback, Hardcover, eBook; Language: English; ISBN:; Target Audience: Young adult readers.
About Books
The Island of Missing Trees is a captivating young adult book published by Penguin UK. The story follows the journey of a young girl named Aphrodite who discovers a hidden secret on her family's ancestral island. Through vivid storytelling, the book explores themes of tradition, family, and love, while also shedding light on the impact of war and displacement. With its beautiful prose and compelling characters, this book is a must-read for young adults seeking a thought-provoking and emotional story.