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Surrounded By Psychopaths By Thomas Erikson
Surrounded By Psychopaths: for, How To Stop Being Exploited By Others is a captivating social sciences book by Penguin UK. In this thought-provoking read, the author sheds light on the behavior and tactics of psychopaths, enabling readers to recognize and protect themselves from manipulation. With engaging storytelling and insightful analysis, this book provides valuable tools and knowledge for navigating human interactions and building healthier relationships.
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Product Characteristics
Title: "Surrounded By Psychopaths: for, How To Stop Being Exploited By Others"; Author: Penguin UK; Genre: Social Sciences; Published by: Penguin Books; Number of Pages: TBD; ISBN: TBD; Release Date: TBD; Target Audience: Individuals interested in understanding and safeguarding themselves against exploitation in social interactions.
About Books
Penguin UK "Surrounded By Psychopaths: for, How To Stop Being Exploited By Others" is a groundbreaking social sciences book that delves into the manipulative tactics of psychopaths and provides practical strategies to protect oneself from exploitation. With its sharp insights and expert analysis, this book equips readers with the knowledge to navigate interpersonal relationships and identify potentially harmful individuals. A must-read for anyone seeking to safeguard their well-being in an increasingly complex social landscape.