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Surrounded by Narcissists Social Sciences Books
Penguin UK Surrounded by Narcissists is a thought-provoking book in the field of social sciences. Filled with insightful observations and real-life stories, it delves into the complex world of narcissism and its impact on individuals and society. With well-researched content and engaging writing, this book offers a fresh perspective on understanding narcissistic behavior and provides practical advice for dealing with it. A must-read for anyone interested in delving deeper into the dynamics of human relationships and psychology.
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Product Characteristics
Title: Surrounded by Narcissists: Understanding and Coping in a Narcissistic Society; Author: Penguin UK; Genre: Social Sciences; Publication Date: 2022; Page Count: Approximately 300 pages; Language: English; Publisher: Penguin Books; ISBN 10: 1234567890.
About Books
The Penguin UK Surrounded by Narcissists book is a concise and insightful exploration into the complex world of narcissism. Drawing on the latest research in social sciences, the book examines the various facets of narcissism, its impact on individuals and society, and offers practical strategies for dealing with narcissistic personalities. Engaging and well-written, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in understanding and navigating the dynamics of narcissism in both personal and professional relationships.