Penguin Books Ltd Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking Self-Help Books

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Penguin Books Ltd Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking Self-Help Books

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Penguin Books Ltd published Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking, a self-help book that has helped millions of people quit smoking. The book offers practical advice and strategies to overcome the addiction, with a focus on changing mindset and understanding the psychology behind smoking. Its straightforward approach and easy-to-follow instructions make it a go-to resource for those wanting to kick the habit for good.

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Product Characteristics

Title: Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking; Publisher: Penguin Books Ltd; Author: Allen Carr; Genre: Self help book; Number of pages: Varies depending on the edition (e.g., 256 pages in the paperback edition); ISBN: Unique identifier for the book (e.g., ISBN 13: 978 0140277630); Language: English; Publication date: Varies depending on the edition (e.g., first published in 1985, most recent edition published in 2019).

About Books

Penguin Books Ltd published Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking, a groundbreaking self-help book that has helped millions of people quit smoking. With its simple and effective approach, the book provides practical advice and useful insights into the psychology of addiction. Since its release, it has become a go-to resource for those looking to find freedom from cigarettes, earning it a well-deserved reputation as a life-changing read.

Publisher Michael Joseph
Language English
Author Allen Carr
Format Paperback
Number Of Pages 256 Pages
Dimensions 12.9 x 1.78 x 19.74 cm
Type Of Book Self-Help Book


Penguin Books Ltd published Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Smoking, a highly regarded self-help book for those looking to quit smoking. The book offers a unique approach to quitting, emphasizing the psychological and emotional aspects of addiction. With practical tips and insights, it has gained a reputation for its effectiveness in helping smokers break free from their addiction.


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