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Life consumption (Arabic Book)
Fnac - Nakheel Mall - Riyadh : Available
Al Imam Saud Ibn Abdul Aziz Branch Road, Al Mughrizat
Riyadh 12483
Saudi Arabia
The old lame book is a collection of articles and ideas that explore philosophy, art and science. In this work, the author deals with basic ideas about existence, truth and beauty, with advice for readers on how to deal with life challenges. It is an inspiring book that raises the minds of readers and invites them to think differently and discover new aspects of life.
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Product Characteristics
Life consumption is a wonderful guide that takes you on an intellectual journey to discover quality in life and how to achieve happiness and balance. With easy -to -understand concepts and practical advice, you will find yourself able to achieve your personal and professional success without sacrificing the quality of public life.
About Philosophy
Life Consumption is an insightful Arabic book that explores the intricacies of existence. Delving into various aspects of life, this book offers profound perspectives on personal growth, relationships, and purpose. With captivating storytelling and thought-provoking insights, Life Consumption enlightens readers, fostering a deeper understanding of the human experience.