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Bantam A Brief History Of Time: From Big Bang To Black Holes Popular Science Books
"A Brief History of Time: From Big Bang to Black Holes" is a popular science book written by physicist Stephen Hawking. In this book, Hawking takes readers on a fascinating journey through the history of our universe, starting from the Big Bang and exploring topics like the expansion of the universe, black holes, and the nature of time itself. This book provides a clear and concise overview of complex scientific concepts, making it accessible to both scientific and non-scientific audiences.
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Product Characteristics
Title: Bantam A Brief History Of Time: From Big Bang To Black Holes Popular Science; Author: Stephen Hawking; Publisher: Bantam Books; Publication date: 1988; Page count: 256 pages; ISBN 10: 0553380168; Genre: Non fiction, Popular Science; Target audience: General interest readers with a curiosity in cosmology and physics.
About Books
"Bantam A Brief History of Time: From Big Bang to Black Holes" is a popular science book written by physicist Stephen Hawking. In this book, Hawking explains complex concepts in a concise and accessible manner, making it easier for the general public to understand the origins of the universe and the nature of black holes. It covers topics such as the expanding universe, the nature of time, and the possibility of time travel. With his signature wit and brilliance, Hawking takes readers on a mind-bending journey through the mysteries of the cosmos.